Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Experiential Learning

Throughout training, we have begun discussing the experiential learning process. After earning trust and learning about our communities, we have to learn to not only be a change agent but inspire others to serve as agents of change as well. The primary way that we are expected to galvanize this process is by facilitating experiential learning experiences. Clearly, this makes my heart pound with joy and excitement as I’m taken back to my days at Duke in Tony Brown’s enterprising leadership class where experiential learning is the name of the game. We’ve only just started discussing this process but I’m looking forward to writing more about this topic and also asking friends, family and mentors for their suggestions as to how I can help facilitate the experiential learning process and continue to try and help the residents of my future community become change agents and active participants in their community’s development. I know I sound totally bright-eyed at the moment since I have yet to work with a community or face any challenges, but I’m totally psyched about being able to take something I loved learning about and applying it to this new setting.
This post is just as a prep, I’ll continue writing about this topic throughout my service and explaining the success and inevitable failures that I’ve had while facilitating this process and (fingers crossed)hopefully inspiring others to take lead in community change!

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